Just one of those days 🙄

I’m feeling like shit today🤦🏿‍♀️my head and stomach hurts. I know my “days” have passed but the symptoms hasn’t. I don’t want to be bothered by anyone because I’m feeling moody. I think if you called today I would wouldn’t answer and if you constantly call but it’s not important..

I’m not responsible for what might come out of my mouth ya dig🤨 I am frustrated for the wrong reasons but I’m going to get it together just not today okay🙄🤨It’s just one of those days when I want to just be ALONE 🤬

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Manifestations from the Heart

First I want to thank you universe for this and last year. It was a complicated struggle but a good year. I had to go through in order to understand where I came from and be reminded of WHO I AM. I AM grateful for everything that I have at this point.For the upcoming year, I am writing, singing, dancing, all my desires into existence. The desires of my heart is to start my new chapter with SELF LOVE. I want to have a very strong, passionate, loving, compromising, spiritual, financial, prosperous, healthy, amazing, loyal, honest, humorous, fun, caring, fulfilling partnership with myself. I want to find my true love and we fall in love with each other everyday as if we just met and fell in love all over again. I want us to have a successful relationships and businesses with each other also with the people that has purpose in our lives. Anyone or anything negative I bound and cast out and away from us and our family. I want our family to be successful and continue to grow. I want to be healthy and encouraging to people when their energy is feeling depleted. I want my children to become more responsible and independent to figure out their dreams and go for it. I support them 100% as long as they have good intentions and bring no harm to anyone. I want my children to continue to grow mentally, and evolve for the best of their abilities and be free and live happily.

Freedom of Speech in the workplace

Image result for freedom of speech in the workplace

Today marks the 200-year anniversary of the Constitution. Our first amendment protects us to have freedom of speech. Meaning a person should feel free to articulate they’re opinion without fear or retaliation. However I feel as the First Amendment was written with societal boundaries. In a workplace they try to silence your voice especially being black and a woman, if women speak up they feel as if we’re responding with emotion. Being black you get categorize as being combative or angry. At which point is there really freedom of speech or is it silence unto agreed. Employees don’t have the constitutional rights of freedom of speech at work it only applies when the government is trying to restrict it. #Confidenceisbetterthanswag😉

This is me..either you like it or not :)

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I am writing this statement for people that think I should live my life the way they think I should live. I am so tired of people and their opinions about how my life should be…who are you again in my life? ah yea nobody. I live for me and who I chose to live for in this existence we call life. I’M NOT OBLIGATED TO THIS SOCIETY…LET ME REPEAT FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE NOSEBLEEDS SEATS. I’M NOT OBLIGATED TO THIS SOCIETY. I have no regrets in life because I have come to realize that everything happens for reason and the reason it happens is because it gives us a chance to really define who we are in any situation. It also shows our weakness and strengths. I chose the fountain picture because it represents me. A fountain of youth and life:) #Confidenceisbetterthanswag

Love — The poem zone

Eventually, you will come to know That love is all around you. Love is everywhere you go. Love is in the tears you cry and the hug you giveaway. Love is your smile that brightness a day for another. Love is the smell of honeysuckle blowing in the breeze. Even in the darkness of night, […]

via Love — The poem zone

The sea of your love — The words untrammelled..exploring love, life and philosophy

I float on the sea of your love, Gliding on the waves of care, Swinging on the breezy moments, Pleasantly wet in your sultry air; Wrapped in the sea blanket of love, Your comforting hands guide me, Feeling lively in your charming splash, Of the vast, engulfing love like the sea, I get drenched in […]

via The sea of your love — The words untrammelled..exploring love, life and philosophy